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Product Number 0205010083

  • For leveling solid mineral bases
  • For surfaces that are highly or non-uniformly absorbent
  • For the preparation of porous, absorbent substrates
  • Strengthens the carrier layer, has a faint odor and is easy to apply
  • Consumption rate: 50-200ml / sq.m
  • Drying time: 12 hours at 20 ° C and 65% humidity
1479lvOnline price

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Deep penetrating primer Tiefgrund 2.5l 0206010156-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1101110005-universalen-fugopylnitel-i-shpaklovka_246x246_pad_478b24840a
4117 lv


Deep penetrating primer designed for leveling solid mineral bases in external and internal surfaces that are strongly or non-uniformly absorbent. It is extremely useful in the preparation of porous, absorbent substrates such as: gypsum boards, plasters, unbaked bricks, aerated concrete, walls of unplastered bricks, limestone blocks.
The product strengthens the carrier layer, has a faint odor and is easy to apply. The consumption rate is 50-200 ml/sq.m. It dries for 12 hours at a temperature of 20°C and a relative humidity of 65%.


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