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Social Responsibility

MASTERHAUS sponsors a training project for young builders in Germany

MASTERHAUS sponsors a project to train young builders in Germany

True to the emphasis on charity in its business policy, the MASTERHAUS company reached out to young people for specialized training in Germany. The first Bulgarian construction hypermarket provided the materials and tools for the participation of graduates of the Burgas Vocational High School of Construction, Architecture and Geodesy "Kolio Ficheto" in a national program to improve training in building insulation in secondary education.

14 students from the 11th grade participated in practical training on insulations, warmly encouraged by the director of the high school Mrs. Daniela Simeonova and the teacher Mrs. Tsvetelina Zhekova - coordinator of the project at the local level. For two days /October 18 and 19/ in the yard of the school, the young men and women had the task of laying a thermal insulation system with EPS boards /styrofoam/. For this purpose, they used products of the French company WEBER, represented "on the ground" by local sales agents Georgi Georgiev and Atanas Atanasov and technician Petko Petkov, who were in charge of training and provided part of the inventory. The three of them guided the students with theoretical advice and demonstrative techniques in the performance of the task.

The classes during the two days were preparation for an exam that the students will take next week in front of WEBER specialists. Thus, a selection will be made for broadcasting of five 11th-graders from Burgas, who will study in Germany together with another 25 graduates of five other construction high schools - in Sofia, Stara Zagora, Pleven, Veliko Tarnovo and Pazardzhik. The selection will continue until the end of November, and in December, those approved will undergo language, intercultural and thematic training. The training in the German city of Erfurt will take place from April 1 to 23 next year. However, this will not be the final stage of the project. In June next year, the Regional Labor Offices will hold the so-called "career workshops" - training for successful application for a job or internship and for a good presentation to a future employer.

The project is implemented by the Chamber of Builders in Bulgaria, the Employment Agency and the six construction high schools. The organizers are encouraged by the fact that, as a result of the implementation of the National Strategy for Energy Efficiency, the demand for specialists in the field of sanitation has increased significantly and construction companies experience a continuous shortage of personnel. The cause is worth it and therefore it was an honor and responsibility for MASTERHAUS to become involved as a sponsor - a noble role that the company has fulfilled more than once and will continue to fulfill.

"I don't know about other cities, but here, in Burgas, we and MASTERHAUS decided on our own initiative to help educate the children. This way, they will not only receive better training and be more competitive, but will also be motivated by the empathy of the local business," pointed out WEBER's sales representative Georgi Georgiev.

"The MASTERHAUS company has always been responsive and it is to us helped when we organize presentation events in training classes. We are very grateful for the help with materials and tools. I have ideas on how to expand our partnership and I am sure that I will meet with the management of MASTERHAUS," said the director of the Burgas construction high school Ms. Daniela Simeonova.