Raffles and Promotions
- Scan your card
- Participate for 1 of 2 TOYOTA YARIS
- Spin the wheel for thousands more prizes
All issued and valid:
- Customer cards MASTERHAUS plastic
- Digital customer cards generated by the MASTERHAUS application Cardbox
- Customer cards for the game "20 years MASTERHAUS"
The prize fund includes:
2 pcs. new cars brand "Toyota", model: "Yaris", 1.5 hybrid Xtra Chic; 7 Philips vacuum cleaners; 7 pieces of Weber gas barbecues; 20 Bosch GO screwdrivers; 7 vouchers of BGN 500 each. for shopping at MASTERHAUS; 140 vouchers of BGN 100 each. for shopping at MASTERHAUS; promotional products: pens, bags, tapes, beach pillows, pocket tools.
Promotion period: 15.04-15.09.2022
"20 Years Masterhaus"
1.1. THE PROMOTIONAL GAME "20 years Masterhaus" is organized by "BOSHNAKOV" EOOD, with headquarters and management address: Burgas, SPZ k/s "Slaveykov", hypermarket "Masterhouse", with EIK No. 102082965, represented by the manager Pavel Nikolov Boshnakov for short below called PROMOTIONAL ORGANIZER GAME.
1.2. The Game is organized and conducted by the Promoter independently, and some of the activities may be outsourced to third parties (as specified below). The organizer provides the technical means for holding the Game, as well as the subject prizes for the winning participants.
1.3. Information about the PROMOTIONAL GAME "20 years Masterhaus" will be distributed through radio, outdoor and print advertising, posters and POS materials in retail outlets and on www.masterhaus.bg, as well as on the Facebook page of MASTERHAUS.
The promotional game is organized and held on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, within the working hours and on the territory of each physical construction hypermarket MASTERHAUS, owned by the Organizer - "BOSHNAKOV" EOOD, respectively in city Burgas, village Ravda, town Primorsko, town Aytos, and town Kazanlak (after its introduction into legal operation), referred to for short as "Participating Stores".
In the promotional game customers DO NOT PARTICIPATE PURCHASED GOODS and SERVICES in/from the ONLINE (virtual) platform for sales of goods - www.masterhaus.bg, operated by "BOSHNAKOV" Ltd.
3.1. These Official Rules ("Rules") determine the conduct of the promotional game "20 years Masterhaus" (hereinafter referred to as the "Game") and govern the relationship between the Organizer (named above) and the Participants in the Game (as set forth below definition).
3.2. The game provides an opportunity to receive instant prizes, as well as win one of the grand prizes according to the participation mechanism described in these Rules.
3.3. Participants in the Promotional Game are required to comply with the terms and conditions of the Promotional Game described below, referred to as the Official Promotional Game Rules.
3.2. The official rules will be published on the official website of the Organizer www.masterhaus.bg and on www.facebook.com/masterhaus and will be available there during the entire period of the Game, as well as will be placed in a prominent place in respective stores.
3.3. The Organizer of the Game reserves the right to change or add to the Official Rules of the Game, the changes coming into force after their prior publication on the official website of the Organizer www.masterhaus.bg
3.4. By participating in the Game, participants are bound by the Official Rules described above and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Game, and by taking any action to participate in the Game, each participant confirms that they have read and understood them is and accepts them unconditionally.
3.5. By performing any action to participate in the Game, each participant confirms that he gives his irrevocable consent to the Organizer collecting, using and operating his personal data. The refusal to provide the necessary data leads to the impossibility of successfully completing the registration in the Game.
4. GAME TERM/Duration
The game takes place between 8:30 a.m. on 15.04.2022 and ends at 7:00 p.m. on 15.09.2022
5.1. "Participant" in the Game is called any:
1. able-bodied natural person, Bulgarian citizens, over 18 years old,
2. sole traders or companies through their manager/representative,
3. natural persons who have permanent residence in the Republic of Bulgaria,
4. foreign legal entities with a branch in the Republic of Bulgaria,
each of the above possessing and using a valid MASTERHAUS customer card, which participant during the Game period fulfills the following conditions:
(a) visited one of [123698745147 ]Participants stores;
(b) scans his MASTERHAUS customer card at any of the participation machines ("Game Machine") located in front of and inside the sales hall to identify himself c the system;
(c) confirm participation by expressly accepting these Rules, a copy of which will be presented on the screen of the Game Machine.
5.2. The organizer reserves the right not to allow participation of persons who have not fulfilled the conditions under point 5.1 of these Rules.
5.3. Participation in the Game IS FREE AND IS NOT bound to purchase products offered by the Organizer or third parties.
5.4. Each Participant registered to participate in one of the grand prizes can win an instant additional prize and participate in the drawing of the Grand Prizes;
5.5. Each Participant with a customer card can register to participate in the Game only once per day at any physical building hypermarket MASTERHAUS, every day until the end of the Game. Each Participant with their registered customer card can win one instant additional prize during the same calendar day.
5.6. Managers and employees of the Organizer and all related subsidiaries or other persons professionally connected with the organization of the Promotional Campaign, as well as members of their families, are not allowed to participate in the drawing of additional instant prizes and Grand Prizes.
5.7. Customers of the MASTERHAUS ONLINE platform do not participate in the raffle.
6. ISSUING MASTERHAUS customer cards
6.1. All issued and valid MASTERHAUS discount plastic customer cards participate in the Game.
6.2. All previously or currently issued and valid digital client cards MASTERHAUS with a discount and/or without a discount generated by the Cardbox application of the company "Cardbox" AD (compatible with mobile devices with IOS and Android, which the Participant can to download freely from the App Store for IOS or from Google play for Android.).
6.3. All previously or currently issued and valid customer cards MASTERHAUS type "cardboard without discount" issued to the "Information" Sector in each of the "Participating Stores" participate in the Game.
6.4. When issuing a customer card MASTERHAUS, the following information is required: first and last name of the customer; email address (if any); contact phone number - for individuals, resp. name, seat and address of management, EIC number, MOL, e-mail address (if any), contact telephone number - for traders. All data is recorded by the participant in a standard GDPR compliant consent form.
6.5 Newly issued cards can participate in the Game after the necessary technical time for their registration and processing in the Organizer's system (approximately up to 24 h.).
6.6. The Organizer is not responsible if a Participant has provided misspelled, incorrect, invalid, incomplete, inaccurate or illegible data when issuing a customer card MASTERHAUS.
7.1. Upon successful registration to participate in the Grand Prize drawing, the Game Machine software will allow the Participant to spin the digital wheel of fortune, with the software determining at that moment randomly whether the Participant wins and what instant additional prize or not.
[123698745200 ]7.2. The Participant will be notified whether and what Instant Bonus Prize they have won by a message on the Game Machine screen. At the same time, the Gaming Machine will note this on his customer card MASTERHAUS and invite him to visit the "Information" section on the territory of the relevant Participating Store.7.3. Upon winning an instant additional prize, the Winning Participants may collect the respective won additional prize from the places designated for this purpose on the territory of the relevant Participating Store in the "Information" sector.
7.4. Upon winning an additional instant prize, the Winning Participants can collect the respective won prize by presenting their customer card MASTERHAUS and certifying their personal data to the employee serving them, as well as filling out and signing a receipt-delivery protocol, if the prize is available or they will receive it in the "Information" Section of the Participating Store within 3 working days from now of winning if the product is not available in the store. A manager of the relevant store will organize the presentation of the prize. If the Winning Participant wishes to have the prize sent to him to the address specified by him, the transport costs are for the account of the Winning Participant.
7.5. If a Winning Participant does not claim or receive their prize within 14 /fourteen/ days, the right to receive the Prize is extinguished.
7.6. Grand Prizes: The two Grand Prizes will be drawn on 17th September 2022. from 11 a.m. on the territory of the Masterhaus hypermarket, Burgas in the presence of a Notary. The winning Participants will be drawn by a Notary on a random basis through specialized internationally certified authentication software, and in addition to the winners, their runners-up will also be announced.
7.7. The winners of the grand prize will be able to receive it at the "Information" section on the territory of the Masterhaus hypermarket in Burgas, no later than 15 days after their official withdrawal and announcement, and no later than 3 /three/ days after the day of presentation by the Winning Participants of all the necessary documents for registration in the traffic police. In case of refusal to receive the Award, the right to receive it is extinguished.
7.8. The winning Participants will be announced with lists that can be found at www.masterhaus.bg. The lists will be updated once per calendar week. The Promoter will attempt to notify the winning entrants by a single telephone call to the MASTERHAUS phone number indicated on the customer card, and the Promoter has no obligation and/or responsibility to notify the winning entrants by this method of the grand prize won. Receipt of the Award must be carried out by the date specified in Art. 7.7. deadline. In the event that all administrative issues are not settled by this date and/or the contract for the transfer of ownership and handing over possession of the Prize is not signed, the right to receive the Prize shall be extinguished.
7.9. If a Winning Participant does not claim or receive their prize by the deadline specified in Art. 7.7. of the rules, the same will be awarded to the next drawn runner-up. This rule applies once. Receipt of the Prize by the runner-up must take place within a new period under Art. 7.7. In the event that by the deadline under Art. 7.7. from the rules, all administrative issues are not settled and/or the contract for transfer of ownership and handing over possession of the Award is not signed, the right to receive the Award is extinguished.
7.10. Unclaimed additional momentary reward in the relevant hypermarket until the end date under Art. 7.5. from the rules, or unclaimed big prizes in the Masterhaus hypermarket c. Burgas until the deadline under Art. 7.7, resp. Art. 7.9. from the rules are returned to "BOSHNAKOV" EOOD. The organizer has no obligation to store the prizes for an unlimited period.
7.11. A Winning Participant may receive a Grand Prize ONLY after all administrative matters relating to the transfer of title and possession have been settled. Administrative costs for the transfer, registration, insurance of the Prize will be borne by the Winning Participant. The ORGANIZER will not bear taxes, fees, incl. notarial, insurance (including comprehensive and civil liability) and premiums, in case such are required by the current Bulgarian legislation and/or requested by the Winning Participant. If the same refuses and/or does not pay them within the period under Art. 7.7. respectively Art. 7.9. The ORGANIZER has the right to award the prize to the runner-up.
7.12. The prize is collected in person by the Winning Entrant/runner-up. The ORGANIZER does not cover the travel and accommodation costs, costs of transporting the Prize, etc. necessary in connection with receiving the Award.
Participation in the Game gives the opportunity to win the following prizes:
8.1. Grand Prizes
2 pcs. new cars brand "Toyota", model: "Yaris", 1.5 hybrid Xtra Chic.
8.2. Additional Instant Prizes:
- 7 Philips Vacuum Cleaners
- 7 Gas Barbecues Weber
- 20 Bosch GO screwdrivers
- 7 vouchers for BGN 500 each. for shopping at Masterhaus
- 140 vouchers of BGN 100 each. for shopping at Masterhaus
- Promotional materials: pens (2000 pcs), bags (900 pcs), tape measures (900 pcs), beach pillows (740 pcs), pocket tools (900 pcs) with Masterhaus logo to running out of quantities.
Total quantity of advertising materials in all stores - a total of 5,440 pieces
9.1. By taking any action to participate in the promotional game "20 years Masterhaus", each participant confirms that he gives his irrevocable consent (and agrees to confirm this in writing if necessary) The Organizer and the acting on his behalf, persons to photograph him, to use for their commercial purposes, incl. and publicly, his name and photographs and images, his voice and/or likeness for advertising, commercial and/or promotional purposes (including but not limited to announcing his status as a Winner) without additional compensation in any media now known or to be discovered in the future, worldwide, including on the Internet, without limitation in time and without the need for prior notice, review or approval, as well as in the presentation of the prize for publicity and information events, without him any additional or other payment and/or compensation is due indefinitely.
9.2. By filling in the necessary data and issuing a digital or physical customer card MASTERHAUS and registering it for participation in the promotional game "20 years of Masterhaus", Participants fully accept these Rules and confirm that the Organizer , as well as others subcontractors participating in the Promotional Game or providing the Prize, together with all their officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents (collectively "Released Persons"), shall have no liability whatsoever for any personal injury, including but not limited to death , bodily injury or property damage suffered by any person resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly from the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of the Prize or participation in this Game and related activities, and the Entrants release the Released Persons from liability in connection with the above, as well as in connection with any printing, manufacturing, technical, typographical, human or other errors in the printing, offering or announcement of Reward.
10.1. The organizer of the Game - "BOSHNAKOV" EOOD is not obliged to correspond with persons whose customer card numbers MASTERHAUS have not been withdrawn.
10.2. The Game Promoter will not be a party to disputes over the ownership of prizes or customer cards MASTERHAUS.
10.3. The organizer is not responsible for defects or delays in providing and/or receiving the prizes due to the fault of the relevant external partner. In such cases, the Organizer can only provide the Winner with information about the relevant external partner and the Winner is obliged to contact him directly.
10.4. The Organizer is not responsible for the impossibility of registration and participation in the Game due to the occurrence of circumstances beyond the Organizer's control, such as: cases of force majeure, random events, problems in the local network or the global Internet network, connectivity services provided by third parties, breakage/damage of Game Machine as well as any other services beyond the control of The Organizer.
10.5. The organizer is not responsible for loss of stored information due to extraordinary and unforeseeable system crashes or occurrence of technical problems related to registration and participation in the Game.
10.6. The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify a Participant at its sole discretion when it finds that any of these Rules have not been followed or when it detects attempts to manipulate the Game.
10.7. The Organizer is not obliged to correspond and discuss non-winning claims, including at the expiration of the Game period or on other similar occasions.
The Organizer undertakes to comply with current legislation related to the protection of personal data collected during the Game. BOSHNAKOV EOOD is a personal data controller within the meaning of Article 4, point 7 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and as such undertakes to process the personal data of Game Participants in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR and the Law on protection of personal data. The Promoter also undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of Game participants' personal data and to use it in accordance with these Official Rules and applicable law.
You may contact our Data Protection Officer at any time by use the following data for contact:
"BOSHNAKOV" EOOD, with headquarters and management address: Burgas, SPZ k/s "Slaveykov", hypermarket "Masterhouse", with EIC No. 102082965, Personal Data Protection Officer, tel. +359 56 857022; E-Mail: [email protected]
The organizer collects personal data specifically for the purposes of the Game. For the purposes of managing the Game, personal data is used that the Participants have already provided when registering digital or physical customer cards MASTERHAUS.
The Organizer collects, stores, processes and uses personal data entered in the customer card file MASTERHAUS ("personal data") in its own ERP system. The organizer will use this data for the purposes of the Game, as well as for administrative purposes with a view to long-term customer service, to provide personalized services for the customer and/or cardholders, specially prepared or personalized commercial promotions, participation in loyalty programs, as well as for market research or attitudes and opinions. The Promoter may also use personal data to provide information in the event of a product recall, in accordance with applicable legal requirements. In the latter case, the Organizer may use all appropriate and available communication channels such as letters, e-mail, SMS, phone calls, etc. in order to ensure the security of its customers.
In order to verify the identity of the Winners or their representatives, the Organizer will process their personal data contained in their personal cards. This processing is based on ZODFL, ZKPO, ZDDS, Zsch. and upon voluntary and express consent given by the Participant. By selecting the "Accept" button, Participants voluntarily give their express consent for the Organizer to use and process their personal data for the purposes of their participation in the Game. The organizer will not provide personal data to third parties. Collected personal data can only be disclosed to state authorities in matters of their competence.
According to GDPR, Participants have the right to free access to (Art. 15), correction (Art. 16) or deletion (Art. 17) of their personal data or limitation (Art. 18) of the processing. Participants have the right to portability of their personal data (Article 20), that is, to request that their personal data be provided in a widely used and machine-readable format both to them and to a person or organization indicated by them.
In addition, each Participant has the right to file a complaint with the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data at the address: Sofia 1592, blvd. "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" No. 2, or electronically to the published email or electronic complaint form on the commission's website: https://www.cpdp.bg
Contact with the Responsible Person can be carried out through: tel. +35956857022; E-Mail: [email protected]
Exchanging prizes for others or their cash equivalent is not allowed.
13. FEES
13.1. The Promoter is not responsible for any fees, taxes, insurance or fines that may be incurred in connection with the Prizes.
13.2. Prizes with a market value over BGN 100.00. with VAT. By receiving such a prize, the Winner is deemed to have been notified that the value of the prize constitutes taxable income within the meaning of Art. 35, item 2 in connection with Art. 13, para. 1, item 21 of the Law on Personal Income Taxes and is subject to declaration and taxation in accordance with the current Bulgarian legislation. Regarding the Organizer's obligation to submit a report on the income paid, the Winner undertakes, as a necessary condition for receiving a prize, to provide information regarding their full names and social security number, which will be treated and processed as personal data in accordance with these Official Rules. The organizer is not responsible for incorrectly provided data in connection with the declaration of the awarded prize, as well as for failure to fulfill the obligation to declare it by the Winner.
The names of the Grand Prize winners will be published on the official website of MASTERHAUS at www.masterhaus.bg, as well as on the Facebook page of MASTERHAUS within the terms of Ch. 7 of the Rules.
15.1. The Organizer reserves the right at any time to unilaterally terminate the Game due to exceptional circumstances, without notice to the participants, if it incurs material losses, technical or legal reasons arise, violations of the rules or force majeure circumstances, including the inability of the Game Organizer due to reasons , independent of his will to continue the current Game.
In this case The Organizer will promptly inform the Participants about this through its website or in another appropriate way through the means of mass communication.
Participants will not be given compensation in any form and value for actions taken to participate in the Game.
15.2. A participant in the Game may request the cancellation of the registration and termination of his participation in the Game at any time. For this purpose, he must express his desire by contacting the Organizer via: tel. +35956857022; E-Mail: [email protected]
Any potential legal dispute between the Organizer of the Game and its participants will be resolved out of court or, in the event that this is not possible, by the relevant Burgas District or Burgas District Court Court.
17. These Rules are valid for the entire period of the Game, as well as until the final settlement of all relations related to it. The organizer reserves the right to supplement or change these rules, and the changes come into force after updating the software of the Gaming Machines and publishing them on the official website of MASTERHAUS: www.masterhaus.bg, as well as on the Facebook page of MASTERHAUS and the Information section at the relevant MASTERHOUSE retail outlet. Participants should check for changes in the rules themselves, and the Organizer is not obliged to inform them in any other way about such changes. 12.04.2022.