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Raffles and Promotions

10% discount for all newlyweds and mothers-to-be!

Dear Customers,

We would like to make you part of our latest initiative, which aims to give special attention to all who are facing some of the most exciting events in life.

In the month of June, our special cards - "Future mother" and "Novodomets" will be available in "MASTERHAUS" stores, which give you a 10% percent discount* on all goods available in our four stores - MASTERHAUS Burgas, Ravda, Primorsko and Aytos. Get your card from June 1st to June 30th and take advantage of the discount until July 31st, 2016.

We want to help you lay a solid foundation for your family life, and what better place to selection of quality products from "MASTERHAUS" to realize yours projects?

Welcome, it is our pleasure to be with you in your happy moments!

The team of MASTERHAUS

Conditions for Issuing "Loyal Customer" Cards - Promotion for New Homes and Future Mothers

Special 10% discount for the period June 1 - July 31, 2016. year.

  • Loyalty card for EXPECTING MOTHERS - 10% discount for all future mothers!

If you are expecting your new family member and are a MASTERHAUS customer, come and get your discount card worth - 10% in the period 01-30 June 2016 d.

MASTERHAUS supports all of you!

How to get your loyalty card customer"?

Come to the nearest MASTERHAUS store, Information sector;

Bring your ID with you. In case of an unadvanced pregnancy, carry a copy of a document certifying the pregnancy with you. The document will be used for reference only and will not be retained by us.

What is the loyalty card for FUTURES MOTHERS"?

The "Future Mothers" card is personal. It is issued solely and used only by its owner. Presenting a "loyal customer" card at the cash registers of each of the MASTERHAUS stores, you automatically receive a 10% discount on all* items in the hypermarket.

The cards are issued in the period 01.06-30.06.2016. and entitle to a 10% discount until 31/07/2016.

MASTERHAUS reserves the right to require identification at the time of purchase in order to identification.

  • NEW HOUSEHOLD Loyalty Card - 10% discount on your new home or accommodation

If you bought a new home or rented one in 2016, YOU are a "NEW HOUSEHOLDER". MASTERHAUS supports all of you by giving a 10% discount in the Bulgarian construction hypermarket chain.

How to get my loyalty card for "NEW HOUSEHOLDERS"?

Come to the nearest MASTERHAUS store, "Information" sector;

Bring with you a copy of the first page of the Notarial Deed or Lease Agreement of your new housing, as well as a document for identity. The document will be used for reference only and will not be retained by us.

What is the NEW HOME Loyalty Card?

The card for "Novodomtsi" it is personal. It is issued solely and used only by its owner. Presenting a "loyal customer" card at the cash registers of each of the MASTERHAUS stores, you automatically receive a 10% discount on all* items in the hypermarket.

The cards are issued in the period 01.06-30.06.2016. and entitle to a 10% discount until 31/07/2016.

MASTERHAUS reserves the right to require identification at the time of purchase for identification purposes.

* The discount does not apply to goods with a special (top) price or specified in the brochure.

** All "loyalty" cards issued during the campaign for NEW HOUSEHOLDERS AND FUTURE MOTHERS provides its holder with a 10% discount for the period 06/01/2016 only. - 31.07.2016 After this period expires, the discount percentage changes according to the current price policy of "Boshnakov" EOOD.