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Megachem's ketchup and mustard Aquis latex is not afraid

If your walls are painted with Megachem's Aquis latex, you can safely wash them if they get stained even with ketchup and mustard. The paint, whether satin or matte, will not suffer at all. This was shown by regional managers from the Megachem system during a presentation at the Masterhouse store in Burgas. Dinko Genov is responsible for the company's policy in the south-eastern part of the country, and Kalin Zhelyazkov - in the north-east. The two showed enviable dexterity in practical demonstrations.

The "nepukism" of Aquis latex from contamination is due to the Teflon in its composition, the specialists explained. They specified that under the contract with the DuPont company, only Megachem has the right to produce and sell varnish and paint products with Teflon on the Bulgarian market. Masterhouse-Burgas three series from the company's catalog:

Aquis - water-based products;

Decorator - hobby series for home use;

Expert - professional use series

In the Megachem tent, wall, metal and wood treatment products could be seen. The demonstrations aimed to reveal the non-traditional application of an item through various combinations with it. Managers rolled out brushes and rollers to demonstrate their mastery of the various coating techniques.

Megachem representatives were kind enough to point out the specific technology for reliably protecting a wooden bench and table set. in the garden, which is an actual commitment in the coming spring. See the specific steps.

How to varnish a wooden table and benches?

1. Clean table and bench surfaces thoroughly.

2. Apply Aquis Water Based Wood Impregnator.

3. Sand the surface with 180-220 grit sandpaper.

4. Apply a water-based, quick-drying azure varnish. If the smoothness does not satisfy you, go over with varnish one more time, and before the second coat, sand again with 220 sandpaper, but this time more gently and without much pressure.