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Masterhaus city Burgas - expanded and renovated

The regular customers of the company "Boshnakov" EOOD have undoubtedly noticed the positive changes in the Masterhaus store in Burgas, which have occurred in recent months.

The many improvements take place precisely in a year in which the company celebrates 25 years since its establishment, but this is not the main reason for their implementation.

In the history of the company "Boshnakov" EOOD has proven its existence, that the primary factor in the direction of development is the customer and achieving complete satisfaction from his contact with the Masterhaus brand.

We strive to provide our customers with an ever-increasing selection of products, a favorable price range and shopping comfort.[123698745181 ]

We hope that s the expansion of the first store of the chain, we have come close to achieving this goal.

In the gallery you can see photos of the extension, which already successfully houses the sectors "Bathroom, wall and floor ceramics" and "Home appliances" " as well as see the converted sector "Housewife".

We look forward to seeing you live in the transformation of the Masterhaus Burgas store! Welcome!