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Product Number 1003040007

Ударопоглъщаща каучукова настилка ЕПОС, предназначена за обезопасяване на детски и спортни площадки, фитнеси, гаражи и надлези, балкони и тераси, производствени помещения, гари и бензиностанции, алеи и мостове, стрелбища както и около басейни...
000лвOnline price

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Shock-absorbing rubber flooring EPO, designed to secure playgrounds and sports grounds, gyms, garages and overpasses, balconies and terraces, production facilities, stations and gas stations, alleys and bridges, shooting ranges and around swimming pools and jacuzzis.
Dimensions: 400 mm x 400 mm x 15 mm
Red colour
Weight: 13 kg/m2
The tiles retain their shape and characteristics for years without change. Climatic conditions such as cold, heat, humidity and others do not deform them. They are resistant to light alkaline chemicals and acids, have very good shock absorption. They do not allow slips that can lead to injuries. Easy installation, through the use of polyurethane adhesives or epoxy resins, installation with dowels is also possible.
Note: Permissible production tolerance of 1-2%
The difference in color shades between the individual batches is permissible.


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