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Product Number 1104010149


- Decorative plastic fence for yard and garden
- 5 prefabricated modules
- Size of the modules: 36 x 50 cm
- Length of the decorative fence: 250 cm
- High resistance to weathering

2499лвOnline price

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Decorative garden fence in green color, divided into 5 modules, each with a size (H x D) 36 x 50 cm. The decorative fence has a total length of 250 cm and a height of 36 cm. It is made of high quality plastic and offers high protection from adverse weather conditions and UV rays. It is designed for outdoor use in the yard or garden.
The decorative fence can serve as a great divider in the yard to distinguish different types of plants from each other, or just to form a great playground for your child.
Assembly and disassembly is extremely easy without the need for tools. Maintenance also does not require special attention. The fence is extremely light, which allows easy transportation and storage.



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