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Product Number 0605030122

  • Microfiber cloth with dimensions 40 x 14 cm
  • Plastic handle with a length of 120 cm
  • Also suitable for windows and walls
  • The towel is easy to change and can be washed
1049лвOnline price

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Sweeper / mop with microfiber cloth 40 x 14 cm, handle 120 cm, Economic rezervna-mikrofibyrna-kyrpa-za-podochistachka-mop-economic-0605030123_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0605030935_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1677 лв Loading...


Economic mop/squeegee with microfiber cleaning part measuring 40 x 14 cm. The handle of the mop is not telescopic, it is made of plastic and is 120 cm long.
With the microfiber helper you will quickly and efficiently clean and dry every surface in your home. The main purpose of the mop is to clean the flooring, but thanks to the light and long handle with it you will also be able to easily wash windows and dry the walls of the bathroom.
Spilled liquids on surfaces such as floor tiles, parquet, laminate and others will no longer be a problem, thanks to the rapid absorption of the microfiber device.
The microfiber cloth can be changed quickly and easily and is also suitable for washing in a washing machine.



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