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Raffles and Promotions

Winners in the April raffle promotions

Dear MASTERHAUS customers,

On 05/03/2016 d. at 10:00 a.m. in the construction hypermarket MASTERHAUS- Burgas in the presence of Anelia Nikitova - Ivanova, assistant - notary of Viktoria Dralcheva - notary with jurisdiction Burgas District Court with number in NK 491 the winners of the raffle promotion were drawn "Masterhaus and BOSCH Technique for life. next::

Mikhail Chanev - MASTERHAUS c. Burgas

Veselin Krastev - MASTERHAUS c. Nessebar

Hristo Yosifov - MASTERHAUS c. Primorsko

Ahmed Cholev - MASTERHAUS c. Aytos.

Next to the above-listed winning participants, the name of Vanessa Stefanova was drawn, to whom the prize from our game "Leave your Easter wish"

Congratulations to all winners!