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Raffles and Promotions

Winning "My Project with Masterhaus" 2

At the closed meeting held on 07/03/2018 in the administrative building of the company "Boshnakov" EOOD, for short called the Organizer, a specially formed committee proceeded to consider the proposals of the participants and determine the winners in the 2nd round of the competition "My project with Masterhaus".

V during the meeting, the committee prepared evaluation reports of the projects that took part in the competition, based on which unanimously decided:

1st prize - voucher for shopping in Masterhaus building hypermarkets worth BGN 1000 including VAT, awarded to project "Furnishing bathrooms in a guest house, Ahtopol", author Pencho Gashurov

2nd prize - voucher for shopping in Masterhaus construction hypermarkets worth BGN 300 including VAT, awarded to the project "Mission New Home", author Margarita Prodanova

3rd prize - voucher for shopping in construction Masterhaus hypermarkets worth BGN 200 including VAT, awarded to the project "Goritsa-electrical repair", author Vasil Sirmanov

Congratulations to the winners!