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masterHAUS party with Weber or how to avoid chaos in renovations

On September 29, 2018, Saturday, at the MASTERHAUS store in Burgas, the first masterHAUS party with Weber will take place. Repairs are always associated with many questions and a long search and questioning of friends. Therefore, the main idea of the organizers from Weber Bulgaria and MASTERHAUS, is the event to introduce and guide customers about the subtleties of home renovations. So they will feel safe and prepared for anything related to construction activities. Along with the fun, part of a real party, everyone will be able to get guidance on applying for rehab programs - always an important issue in condominium discussions.

Vladi Karadjov, the special guest. at the event, will also be on hand to present the important details needed when starting a repair. Vladi will be participating in the activities all the time - get your cameras ready and be ready to take pictures with him!

Right at 10.00 on the 29 September the construction experts from Weber Bulgaria and the consultants of the Burgas construction hypermarket will welcome the guests to the large-scale party. Visitors will be able to visit each of the four areas where they will find useful information, receive expert advice and even have an on-site consultation with Weber for their home renovation.

The special area for men will help them get into the thick of major renovations, and then surprise their masters with knowledge. For the ladies, tips are provided on the different colors and textures, so they will have new inspiring ideas on how to make the atmosphere in their home unique. Lots of laughter and fun awaits the little builders in the children's area. Animators will take care of their good mood, and the little ones themselves will be able to draw their project for the dream house.

Special area for new-homes will give families a chance to personally receive solutions and ideas for their home from Weber Bulgaria experts. A fun workshop will help everyone navigate renovations and make your neighbors your best friends!

The surprises of the organizers are many - prizes, competitions, special promotional products with the global Weber brand are only part of the activities included in the program. More information can be found on the Facebook page of the event or on the corporate pages of and