ELMARK circuit breaker/fuse designed to protect the electrical circuit from damage caused by overload or short circuit. Its main function is the switching and indication of the protected circuit. It is also used to protect consumers generating a short-circuit current of 6000A. The circuit breaker is especially effective when installed in industrial premises, characterized by a high degree of "pollution" of the electrical system. It can also be used for installation at a distance from the transformer station, which is within 150 to 850 m.
The technical characteristics of the circuit breaker are:
- electrical wear resistance in cycles ≥ 8000
- degree of protection> IP20
- current limiting class 3
- mechanical wear resistance ≥ 3000
- rated voltage 230/400V, at 50/60Hz
The circuit breaker consists of a plastic box made of non-combustible material; status indicator; combined screw terminal with additional coating. The maximum current circuit breaker consists of a copper coil of pure copper. The exclusive possibility of the fuse is with indicators 6kA. It has one pole and rated current values of 40A.
- Гаранция
- 24 месеца
- Марка
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