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Product Number 0502100002

  • Electronic device for protection against rodents Ultrasonic XL 200
  • Works with acoustic signals in the ultra-high frequencies
  • Signal strength: 70 - 90dB
  • Range of the device: 50 sq.m.
4599лвOnline price

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Често купувани заедно

Electronic device for protection against rodents 50 sq. M. 0502100047-elektronen-ured-za-zashtita-ot-nasekomi-i-grizachi-40-m2-7-10-12k-hz-isotronic_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0805050132-otrova-za-mishki-i-plyhove-tip-vosychki-blokchet-100gr_246x246_pad_478b24840a
8667 лв


The Ultrasonic XL 200 is an electronic pest control device that emits acoustic signals at ultra-high frequencies. Shows excellent effectiveness in the fight at home against repulsion of mice, rats and other harmful rodents. Laboratory tests show that ultrasonic waves attack acoustic perceptions and the nervous system of pests. In this way, they cause concern in rodents. When emitting sound signals with characteristics of approximately 70 - 90dB, most pests refuse to look for food in the relevant premises and leave them. Ultrasonic waves are not harmful to the human ear. The emissions of the Ultrasonic XL 200 pest control device do not interfere with other electronic devices such as televisions, radios, smoke and fire detectors, electronic alarm systems, blood pressure monitors or hearing aids. In addition, its frequency signals are not harmful to houseplants and flowers. The optimal effective range of the appliance is around 50 sq.m., which means that it can also be used for slightly larger living spaces.


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